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The Fundraising Campaign

We have just launched our first official fundraising campaign on which is a company.  The purpose of this t-shirt campaign is to help raise start-up funds for our offices in Senegal, Greece, Bangladesh, Florida and also for our main headquarters in the US (TBA), for obtaining our 501c3 status, and some money to launch fundraisers for larger projects such as the safe house/school in Dakar, Senegal.  For more information or to purchase your t-shirt designed by us today, please click on the project details which will take you directly to our website. 

Our work would not be possible without your kind donations of humanitarian aid goods and funds.  In order to find out how you can donate to our causes, please follow the link above. 

The Sama Tata  Foundation offers several ways you can get involved: volunteer, intern, attend events or donate.  Please visit our Get Involved page to find out more! 

  • To assist victims of child begging around the world

  • To assist victims of child slavery around the world

  • To assist victims of Female Genital Mutilation around the world

  • Assistance to child beggars, child slaves and FGM victims through humanitarian aid, privately or jointly-owned fascilities and social service programs, political advocacy and education programs

  • Do preemptive measures to prevent acts of child begging, child slavory and FGM in the future by providing aid and services to impoverished families, children and women, promote political and social changes through advocacy and campaigns, and educate and train the academics and leaders of the future to be more aware and willing to resolve these issues in the future through research and other educational programs.

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